Make sure to promptly notify insurance company of potential claims

During the course of the work day a situation might occur, such as a customer slipping on your premises and falling. While you promptly help them up and they assure you that they are okay, don't make the mistake in thinking that everything is fine and dismiss it out of hand. Remember, policy conditions require that you promptly notify the insurance company of any occurrences that occur that may result in a liability claim. The reason for this is to give the insurance company sufficient time to investigate the possible claim while everything is still fresh in everyone's mind. The company has the right to deny coverage for just this very instance, failure to promptly notify. Put into effect at your place of business a system of reporting any potential claim to the appropriate department, i.e. claims manager, office manager or even you. All insurance companies that may have a potential stake in the claim should be notified promptly. While a claim can be denied for failure to provide proper notice, many states require insurance companies to prove that they were substantially prejudiced in their duty to defend the insured. That being said, proper planning can mitigate any potential claim pitfalls down the road.


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