Image via WikipediaWhile recently reading the current issue of an
insurance industry trade magazine, American Agent & Broker, I came across an article discussing
workers compensation. The article, entitled "Workers' Comp: 7 Biggest Mistakes", discussed proactive steps the
employer should consider in
order to increase the chances of the injured worker returning to work quickly, and also cut down on the cost to the employer. Some steps mentioned are - meeting with care providers to discuss the care of the employee; having regular on site file reviews of the injured workers case; using a
medical doctor of their choosing to review
medical records and reports instead of relying solely on the adjuster to make
medical decisions, and simply staying involved with the process from start to finish. They did throw in one other step that's quite important, asking for and receiving assistance from your agent. While the agent cannot get involved in the actual adjusting of the claim, they can ask questions and seek clarification on many issues from
company claims personnel that you, the employer, might not have access to or knowledge of. The important thing to remember is to stay involved. It can certainly help to save you money, on workers compensation claims costs and expenses, in the long and short run.