Workers Compensation cost containment strategies

Winner at the Delta County Fair, Colorado (LOC)Image by The Library of Congress via Flickr

I recently came across a post on a insurance blog, link above, that discussed the usage of peer group pressure being brought to bear to help decrease workers compensation costs. The idea was to divide your employees into groups to start a competition among them to see who can have the lowest workers compensation claim incidence rate. The article suggested monthly prizes, recognition, etc, to be used as a form of incentive. Obviously a larger motivating factor, often unspoken, would be the peer pressure among team members to keep other members incidence rates to a minimum. Those employers with not enough staff to divide into teams can use the same concept on an individual basis. Each employee would still strive to keep their incidence rate down so as to decrease the chances of having their fellow employees look down on them since results would be publicly posted monthly. There are many good ideas out there, this just being a good example. Please feel free to reply to this post if any one else has insurance premium savings ideas.
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