Central Delaware Chamber Of Commerce to Promote Safety Credit for Members

The Central Delaware Chamber of Commerce is going to work with the Delaware Insurance Department to promote the work place safety program. The safety program allows qualified business owners to save up to 20% on their work comp premiums. I know my agency has promoted this program for the last decade and have had great success in keeping premiums down for our clients . With the recent rate reductions and the opportunity to apply for the work place safety credits, Delaware employers and small business owners have some of the lowest work comp rates in the nation. Just a few years ago Delaware had the 4th highest. The insurance companies however are monitoring the rate reductions cautiously. Delaware has a hard job, it has to balance the proper rates to charge from a smaller worker population, that still allow insurance companies to make money. If not, the companies may stop writing work comp business in the State which would not be good for Delaware business owners.  I hope the actuaries have done the math right !    Until next time be careful out there and know your risks. K
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