Identity theft on the rise

Basic creditcard / debitcard / smartcard graph...Image via Wikipedia

According to an article in The Telegraph, an online UK website/newspaper, identity theft has risen by more than a third in that country. Based upon information provided by the article, there have been a total of 59,000 recorded victims of identity theft in Great Britain in the first nine months of the year whereas last year the total for the whole year was 62,658. The article went into further detail explaining that account takeovers, 3rd party hacks into an existing account have more than tripled in the last 2 years. The targets of these attacks are credit cards by more than half with the blame being online purchasing and cardholder carelessness being blamed. As a business owner it's more than likely that you and your employees are making online payments and or purchases using company credit. It would be wise to consult your insurance agent to discuss procuring coverage for this type of risk if you don't already have it.
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