EECO Compliance is gong to get tougher on Employers

As a conquence from the Democratic administration, the EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) has been empowered to investigate and litigate employment claims more than ever. The agency has now a bigger budget and increase staffing to follow up on claims. As a small business owner it is important to realize that you may not be under their radar just because you are a small business. The EEOC is looking at systemic policies and behavior which could target even the smallest of companies. This could mean that a discrimination claim against your business by one employee could result in the EEOC looking at your business for a broad or systemic problem for all your employees. In other words the one employees claim is looked at as the "smoke" consealing a "fire". The best risk strategy is to have sound employment procedures and manuals that every employee has signed off on. Also to make sure you document all actions and issues. Finally look into purchasing an EPLI insurance policy that will give you coverage for employee claims against you. Until next time be careful out there and know your risks.  K
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