Delaware Work Comp rates still falling, medical costs still rising, what's next?

Based on a study by NCCI , medical cost containment strategies for workmans comp are not working as predicted. The reason is that doctors are shifting billings from their private practices to billings through hospitals or other facilities that fall outside the fee schedules. This is diluting the effectiveness of work comp cost containment in which rates are predicted. In Delaware the recent mandated rate reductions were instituted because of the prediction that Senate Bill 1 medical cost containment strategies would start to work. However the results to date have not been stellar. I can only hope for small business owners in Delaware that the anticpated work comp cost containment measures start to show positive signs. If not the low rates business owners are enjoying now could rise dramatically the other direction. In addition insurance companies that write work comp may start to question writing policies in the State due to the cost containment climate being weak and rates too low to cover actual medical costs. Only time will tell. Until next time be careful out there and know your risks. K

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