Do employee Facebook/Twitter users pose a threat to business' security?

Google Street ViewImage via Wikipedia

Based on an article published on, insurance companies state that users of the popular Facebook and Twitter social networking sites are prone to burglaries. Apparently many of the users post information such as when they are going on vacation or are simply out of the house. When this information is posted online, many would be burglars are targeting these users. Coupled with the use of increasingly sophisticated location based tools such as Google Street View, would be burglaries are building a list of targets and monitor these networking sites for when the potential victim announces where they are on a particular day. This brings to mind what employees are posting on these sites in relation to their places of employment. Is potentially sensitive information relating to your company being discussed on the web? If so, what kind of security risk is this posing to your company's assets? Employer monitoring and discussion with employees regarding these social networking tools might be in order.
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