Financial Over Haul Vote Could Affect Small Business

As a risk manager for small business owners, it is important for me to try to read through the lines and see what risk could fall onto my clients. As I read the headlines this morning and look into the Wall Street/Banking reform bill I can see a potential problem for small business. It may be all but impossible for small business owners to get loans from banks in the future. Most cash flow and capital loans to business owners come with a larger amount of risk for banks. Small business owners depend on bank loans to operate and have more uncertainty of success. With the new Federal over sight,  banks are going to be more risk adverse and most likely not want to make loans to small business owners, especially newly formed businesses. This will directly affect the growth of the employement engine of this country which is small business.
I hope I am wrong on this!!  Until next time know your risks and be careful out there.  K

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