Health Insurers now being asked to cover more people.

The Feds are now asking health insurance companies to cover more people before the 2014 health exchanges go into effect. This is an effort to try to mitigate the erosion of the private health market that is expected as the Federal health insurance initiatives begin. The health insurers are seeing the bleak future and are starting to work toward lessening underwriting restrictions to get more people into private plans. Also the Obama administration is trying to put in place tax incentives for small business owners to keep their plans. As you can see there is a lot if unknown into all this and only time will tell. My thought is that the private insurance market is going to have a hard time competing with the Feds on any level. They might be able to get more people in the health system now, but in 2014 when the exchanges begin, the option of less expensive health care is going to eventually erode the private market. Until next time be careful out there and know your risks. K

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