Restoring Confidence Restores The Economy

I can't help but think that 90% of this recession is lack of confidence. I hear it and see it when I visit my clients every day. No business owner that I deal with has any real confidence in the direction of the country. Time and time again we discuss how the policies of Washington DC over the last decade or so have pushed the economy to the brink and now everyone is kinda just holding on. As a country someone or something has to break the deadlock. Will it be the Nov election results ?  Will it be the banking sector? Will it be green energy initiatives?  No one really knows but America has always pulled itself out with innovation and creativitity. It is time for all of us to help ourselves by using our minds and energies to create confidence. Once we get that back then the economy will flourish again. Until next time be careful out there and know your risks. K

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