Risk Management at its best The NFL helmet research

 I have to applaud the NFL in their accelerated quest to reduce concussions. Currently the league is looking into helmet design and rule changes on hitting and tackling. This is risk management at its best. The NFL is doing great and revenue even in this recession is up, but the league is looking ahead to make the game safer without changing the inherent toughness that makes the game great. The helmet desing issue is a great example. The NFL is looking into helmet design per position. Studies show that each position on the field have different forces on the helmet. The lineman take more hits to the front of the face and chin. Receivers take hits to the side of the head and neck. Running backs get hit more on the top of the head. As the league continues to risk manage the helmet design I can only see the game getting safer and better. Again this is risk management at its best. Until next time be careful out there and know your risks. K

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