Insurance retirees coming back to work

With the insurance industry shedding full time jobs and the recession taking its toll on savings accounts, insurance retirees are coming back to work in the business as part time fill ins. Agencies and insurance companies are realizing that there is a whole lot of talent and knowledge that retired over the last few years and are calling them back. Also the retirees are realizing their nest eggs are shrinking fast and can pick up some quick money working back in the business. This is a stop gap strategy to keep up the work load the business demands without having to bring back the full timers that were let go over the last few years. The problem with this strategy is that we are still not bringing or holding onto young talent in the business. As the business matures and the work force matures the industry will be scrambling to play catch up when the retirees go back to the golf course and bingo games. Until next time be careful out there and know your risks. K

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