Name Your Own Coverage and Price

You have heard it on the Progressvie commercials, name your own price and coverage is catching on with the big insurance companies. The insurance buying public are gobbling this up like candy. Many are cutting their insurance costs in half. I have a big problem with this. Insurance contracts are complicated and coverages are not clear cut. After 27 years in this business I am battling with insurance companies over coverage language weekly and only my experience level gets me through it so I can win more than I lose for the benefit of my clients. Now who is going to fight for the lowly guy who bought a name your own price policy when his coverage and limits are inadequate. I can tell you it will not be the insurance company. Buyers beware, these low priced options may be time bombs waiting to blow up when you have a claim. Buy your insurance from an independent agent. You get free counsel from them and you can be assured they will be in your corner when you have a claim. Until next time be careful out there and know your risks. K

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