Personal Internet Usage Becoming Part of the Employment Record

Watch out all you social media internet users, more and more employers are using what you post as part of the employment record. "How dare they" you say, well get use to it. More and more employers are getting the inside sccop on their employees and how they feel about their jobs by what they post on social media. It is not uncommon for employers to use internet material in job evaluations. Now the question becomes is this legal and or is it right? I guess the courts will sort this out over time. One thing is for sure, if you put it out there on the internet it is fair game. Many of the younger generations do not quite understand this but they will learn real quick as they approach the job market. This also brings up a risk and insurance issue for small business owners. If you have employees and you are monitoring social media of your employees, you better protect yourself from possible backlash with insurance and risk management. You will need to get in place an EPLI policy in case your employees sue you for employment related practices. Also you need to tidy up your employment manual or handbook so that your policy is clearly understood and delineated.
This is a new issue in the risk managment of business and personal conduct. It is not going away so this is the time to understand how to protect yourself as a business owner and employee. Until next time be careful ou there and know your risks. K

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