Sometimes Lucky Beats Risk

Watching the metrodome's ceiling fall from the weight of the snow, made me think of a few things. First, how amazing it was that the collapse didn't occur during the game. Second, how the engineering of the dome couldn't handle 17 inches of snow. Third, some unfortunate insurance broker will have a busy Monday morning getting the claim going and talking with insurance adjusters. Luck sometimes beats risk and this situation is a perfect example. Lucky that a game wasn't going on when the collapse occurred. Lucky that the ceiling failure will make the engineers and builders repair it stronger so it doesn't happen again. Finally lucky that the insurance industry is around to fix the damage and move on with life. Yes luck is a formidible foe of risk however it doesn't come around that much. Risk tends to be around all the time, luck shows up every so often. The lesson learned here, use risk management in your business all the time because you cannot count on luck. Until next time be careful out there and know your risks. K

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