Concussion Risk Management for the NFL

The risk managers for the NFL have a tough problem to tackle in the off season. The problem is how to stop the trend of increasing concussions in the league. Using risk science the analysis will show a multi-faceted issue that does not have one solution. Players are bigger and faster than they ever have been, and helmet design has not caught up with the game. Think back to the early part of the 19th century when players wore leather helmets, concussions were common place. The introduction of plastic helmets helped carry the game into the current time period. However, now is time for innovation in helmet design. Science has to step up and re-think the traditional model. NFL risk managers need to demand this innovation to make progress. Until helmet design comes up to speed, the next risk mitigation step has to be in training and educating players on tackling. When I played the saying was, "see what you hit". When I watch the games I rarely see this approach by players. Most will tuck their heads and use the helment for their first line of protection or as a weapon. You really cannot change this practice overnight. Risk mitigation on the field has to be taugtht and taught over and over again before it sinks in. It has to be part of training even in the       pee-wee leagues. The NFL has its work cut out for it when it comes to managing the risk of concussions. Until next time be careful out there and know your risks. K

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