Wild weather the soft market equalizer?

Many insurance pundits are calling for an end to the soft market. The falling of rates and the increased competition over the last 4 or 5 years has been great for business owners but is starting to become scary for insurance companies. Insurance actuaries do not like unpredictability because they cannot charge the appropriate rates. well, mother nature has been keeping these guys up at night along with insurance company CEO's. Based on recent events, wild weather is happening in places it has never really hppened before, or at frequencies never seen before. Insurance company results are starting to deteriorate. While constantly waiting for the next "big one" to change the market, the soft cycle may come to an end because of a mulititude of unepxected, irregular, weather storms that no one saw coming. Time will tell but this blogger sees some surprises about to happen to the industry because of frequent weather events that were not on the radar screen. Until next time know yuor risks and be careful out there. K

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