Uninsured Drivers All Over the Roads

According to a recent study roughly 1 in 7 drivers are uninusred in the US. In some states this number is as high as 1 in 4. The insurance institute is blaming the economic downturn as the main reason. The problem with this scenario is how it affects future rates and costs. The accuaraies will have to raise rates to account for the uninsured drivers. This represents increased costs for consumers when buying insurance. In addition the frustration that insured concumers will have when in an accident with an uninsured driver. There is no easy answer to this problem. Trying to enforce the laws in the states on car insurance is so huge that cash strapped states just do not have the recources to make it happen. So I see the problem getting worse. The solution will be in "smart cars". Can you imagine the scenario when you can't start your car because you did not pay your premium?  Crazy you say? Watch out this may be sooner then you think.  Until next time be careful out there and know your risks. K

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