The Answer to Fracking Disputes... Risk Management

Fracking could be the next "gold rush" for the US. There is so much natural gas in the ground that our energy needs could be fulfilled for the next 150 years. However there is a dispute, the process of getting the natural gas out of the rock (Fracking) could pollute ground water, some scientist say. Others say that the process is safe. What a great situation for the science of risk management to be applied. Get the risk specialists around the table with scientists and start the risk management process. Identify the risk, analyze the risk, control tem, and then pay and manage the risk process. Sounds simple right? I know it is not that simple but risk management can really help in this situation. This is a time risk management can be used to strategically help the economy prosper. It could put the science of risk management on the map. Lets see how it plays out. Until next time be careful out there and know your risks. K

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