Economy is Hurting because of Lack of Confidence

I am fortunate to get a real sense of the state of the economy because of my clients. In meeting with small business owners everyday around my area I can sum up the US economic woes in three words, "lack of confidence". Now this is not lack of confidence in themselves as business owners, but in the Federal Government. Most if not all of my clients have no confidence the Federal Government can get it right in changing the direction of debt and spending. This is not a political issue it is a business issue. Small business owners that are still standing had to make the tough choices to cut spending. They had their equivalent policitcal issues and HR issues and entitlement issues and still had to make the decisions. Becuase they went through this pain to be able to survive and the fact that the Government or the country is not willing to do the same, confidence is at a all time low. Until we restore some confidence in the real economic engine, small business, then the country is going to struggle. Lawmakers take note, start making some real hard decisions to fix the US spending and debt and we will see a positive change in the economy. The reason this will happen is because small business owners will feel confidence that their elected officials have the same grit and determination for success that they have to bring to their work everyday.  Until next time be careful out there and know your risks.  K

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