Indiana State Fair Investigation will Put a Spotlight on Risk Management

The tragedy at Indiana State fair is going to be a discussion of risk management. As lawyers for the injured line up with suits and engineers and adjusters do their investigations, the talk will eventually become one of risk control. How was risk managed and what control measures were in place will be the prime factor in the legal outcome. No matter what we do in life, risk is present. In a world as fast paced as ours, risk seems to flourish. If not mitigated, it will grow unabaded and wreak its nasty result.  It is time for the practice of risk management to hold its place along with other professionals in this world. My prediction is that a future risk practitioner will have to have education and testing similiar to the medical, accounting and other professional disciplines. It is important for the world to understand this, because risk will not let up. Until next time be careful out there and know your risks. K

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