The Risk Management of Football Concussions, See What You Hit !

The incidence of concussions has increased in football. Diagnosis of this brain condition has improved with new testing and protcols, and it is now evident that helmet hits are the main cause. Risk managers are trying to find a ways to mitigate the risk with new designs and materials, however risk mitigation needs to start with coaches and youth football. Watching games I constantly see players using their helmets as weapons and launching themselves into other players. Tackling has become a procedure of dropping the head and spearing into the pile. When I played football many years ago, it was taught to "see what you hit". This requires a player to keep his head up and the helmet naturally rests against the back of the shoulder pads. The pads help stabilize the helmet hit and also absorb much of the blow. In my opinioin this has to be reinforced from the little leagues to the pros, then and only then will the rate of concussions be reduced or at least trend the other way. Until next time be careful out there and know your risks. K

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