The "Occupy WallStreet" Movement causing insurance issues

The loss of business income due to the Occupy WallStreet protesters is testing insurance policies. The coverage form most likely will not cover the loss of income of stores and businesses impacted by the occupiers. The coverage needs to be triggered by damage or loss of use to tangible property. The fact that the large numbers of protesters are  keeping patrons away doesn't trigger the policy coverage. Some businesses have had to shut down because of it. Even if the business owners had contingent business interuption coverage the form would probably not pay the loss due to lack of damage. The riots in England tested this covergae also, however most businesses were able to collect on their insurance because the property had been vandalized or destroyed. It is said that the occupiers are trying to rally against big corporate business and banks. Unfortunately they are hurting the one institution that this country has counted on for decades to produce a US economy, and that is small business. Until next time be careful out there and know your risks.

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