The risk managment talk about the US debt

United States debt is still increasing. Currently we are approaching 15 trillion dollars.  If you look at this unimaginable number one has to start talking about risk. If risk is increasing and no risk mitigation techniques are being applied, it is a train ready to go off the track. The debt is a political footbal right now as the republicans want to start cuts and the democrats want to raise taxes. I think the conversation should change to a risk management conversation. First identify the risks. This is easy, debt is rising and this is causing the escalation of risk toward economic collapse. Second let's look at risk analysis. This is pretty easy too, qualitative or quantitative analysis comes up with the same result, we are spending more than we are taking in. Now its time for risk control. To move the debt number rapidly into the other direction we have to do both, cut costs and increase taxes, we have no choice. Now how we finance these actions is where the rubber meets the road, but hey we can do it. Risk has no feelings and is non political. If we don't deal with it on it's terms,  risk will beat us. Hey Congress start having a risk managment conversation not a political one. Until next time be careful out there and know your risks.  K

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