Distractions while driving, more than cell phones

Insurance companies are paying claims from accidents caused by distracted driving. This has put a lot of pressure on legislatures to pass laws preventing the use of cell phones while driving. But is this short sighted? It may be. Look at all the gadgets cars have these days to cause distractions. GPS units, IPod units, video screens, climate control computers etc... just to name a few. No one is discussing all these items as far as distractions to drivers. I have a GPS unit in my car and sometimes the unit can be a very distracting. So how is the insurance industry going to deal with this emerging risk. I think you will see continued pressure by the industry for states to pass laws regarding cell phone and eventually start discussing the other "gadgets" in cars. Maybe the real answer is cars that protect the drivers when they are distracted. Hey there are cars that can wake up a driver who is dozing off, then cars can  help with distractions.  Hey car manufacturers can you help?  I like using my gadgets while I drive !  Until next time be careful out there and know your risks. K

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