New Rules for Certificates

Accord changed the certificates in 2010 and most agents have put the new certs in play. The new certs however are causing agents and brokers a whole lot of extra work and frustrating clients. In the old days agents were amending certs to satisfy their clients contractual demands. Most of the time the request for the certs and the policy changes came after the client had already signed the contracts and needed the cert to get paid. Now most state jurisdictions do not allow agents to change certs by law and telling clients they are out of luck has not been easy, To help get their clients in contractual compliance agents are going the extra mile to find ways to get around the cert issue. sending actual policies and manuscript endorsements from insurers has become more routine. Talking with the owners who let out the contracts and convincing them to modify the agreements to comply with ISO insurance policies is also becoming a job agents are doing on a day to day bases. Until everyone gets use to the new normal when it comes to certs, agents are going to work their tails off for their clients. Hold on to your hats !   Until next time be careful out there and know your risks. K

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