Risk Cultures Still Behind Risk Reality

In a recent survey of corporations with over 10,000 employees, internal risk management cultures have increased 42% from just a few years ago. i guess the 2008 financial crisis woke everyone up. Unfortunately there are still many businesses that have yet to establish a risk management culture. In addition those that have established one are still centering their strategies around financial or fiscal risk. This will reveal itself over time as short sighted. Many other modern day risks have developed which pose threats to business. Cyber risk, reputational risks and supply chain risks were not on the radar screen just a few short years ago but now are common topics of discussion and pose direct threats to businesses. The practice of risk management is realtively new for bsuiness owners. I would expect that it may take some time for businesses to embrace what may be the most important strategy a firm will need to survive modern day business. Until next time be careful out there and know your risks. K  

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