Delaware Business Insurance Update From CNC Insurance, "Triggering Coverage and the NFL"

Currently, the National Football League is in a battle with its insurers over coverage for player concsussions. The league has been sued by former players for the long term effects of concussions. The league is asking its insurance companies to defend and take care of the claims. The insurance companies are saying "no". Their reason is no one can determine when the occurrence of concussion happened. Here is the issue. A player who is retired suffers from the effects of concussions into his 60's, so when did the concussion happen ? What game? What quarter? Which helmit to helmit hit? The insurance coverage is written on a "per occurrence" basis, so you can see the problem here. During the time the league was insured, around 1968 to the present, there have been 12 or more insurance companies providing coverage. The insurance companies are saying," prove it was on my watch".
I am sure this will be around a long time. There is a bunch of money at stake and the NFL is expecting coverage. The contract of insurance is being looked at with a magnifying glass by the courts. The legal precedent that comes out of this could be game changer. I will keep you posted on this one. Until next time be careful out there and know your risks. K
G. Kevin Nemith, Business Insurance, Small Business Insurance, Risk Management, specialists serving Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, & Virginia. 

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