CNC Insurance Delaware Business Insurance Update: Safety Programs & Employees

Let's face it, most employees don't want to spend the energy to learn safety procedures. It could be for a number of reasons, all of which may be very valid. Still, what are some things that businesses can do to change that reasoning. In one example, a well known distribution warehouse has implemented rewards programs for meeting or exceeding goals pertaining to safety. Rewards such as paid lunches/dinners or even coupons have been presented for safety milestones that are meet. Also, for some businesses, rewards such as extended holidays, cash bonuses or even gifts are used as well. Positive motivation and recognition can go a very long way, not only for employee safety procedures but employee production as well. Hopefully this information will help you as you move forward with your employee safety program? Well, until next time, be careful out there and know your risks.

G. Kevin Nemith

Proudly serving Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey.

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