Delaware Business Insurance Update from CNC Insurance. 6-16-13. Can Computers Eliminate Risk?

Smart systems for everything seem to permeate today's society. With the technological advances one would assume that computers could reduce risk or eliminate it. Imagine that anything you want to do or get involved in, you could turn to a computer model that tells you how to succeed with very little risk. Sounds possible right?  Well the fact is risk is increasing. Computers are of some help but risk continues to grow like a weed. The other factor that computers cannot predict is human behavior. It seems that us humans still rule when it comes to creating risk and allowing it to flourish. Maybe one day computers will catch up. Then the risk of computers taking over humans may be the next risk battle. Until next time be careful out there and know your risks.
G. Kevin Nemith, President CEO CNC Insurance Associates
Proudly Serving DE, PA, NJ, MD, and VA

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