Delaware Business Insurance Update from CNC Insurance Associates " Google in Insurance, a Win For Customers ?" 3-9-15

Google is getting into the insurance business and it is happening now. They will be launching auto insurance availability with many of the top insurance companies going in with them. Google will be using a rate engine that prices the driver not the vehicle. Because Google knows where you are at all times they can price insurance in "real time". So how can this help customers?  Real time pricing that charges how you are driving and where you are driving, daily , will most likely reduce premium costs when compared to the old underwriting ways of charging by the type of car, and where the car is garaged, (just to name a few).  A few other companies have real time pricing, but only for the auto. They will not be able to hold a candle to Google who has exploded location and tracking technology of the individual. It is going to be a game changer, stay tuned.  Until next time be careful out there and know your risks.

G. Kevin Nemith, President of CNC Insurance Associates & Small Business Insurance Center
Serving DE,MD,NJ,VA, & PA

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