Delaware Business Insurance Update From CNC Insurance Associates Inc. "Monitoring Employees With Wearable Technology, Invasion of Privacy? " 1-30-16

You can go to any exercise facility or health spa and see a plethora of wearable fitness devices on people.  This technology delivers to a smart phone exactly what is happening in the body during a workout. Now small business is getting in the act with the help of the insurance industry.  Placing wearable devices on employees to monitor their work habits is a new trend. The employer can determine if the employee is at risk physically and if there is unsafe behavior going on. Insurance companies are hoping to see less claims as the result. Small businesses could  see lower insurance premiums for work comp or health insurance as a result to this practice.
However employees see it differently. Workers tend to think that wearable technology is a spy program that could be used against them in the employer-employee relationship. Also many employees feel that this is an invasion of their privacy. Only time and litigation will determine the usage of wearable monitors. Technology has opened a Pandora's box.
Until next time be careful out there and know your risks.

G. Kevin Nemith, President CNC Insurance Associates Inc. & The Small Business Insurance Center
Serving DE, MD, PA, VA, NJ

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