Frequently Used-Rarely Understood, Hold Harmless Agreements
Those of you doing business have come across the Hold Harmless Agreement at one time or another. While many have signed and accepted this agreement, quite a few aren't really familiar with the actual purpose and intent behind it. The purpose of the hold harmless agreement is to transfer risk from one party to another. In the contract, one party (A), promises to pay another party (B) for certain losses sustained by (B). One example would be when the tenant of a building agrees to pay for any fire damage to the building that occurs during the lease. Another example would be when (A) agrees to indemnify (B) for defense costs and damages resulting from third party claims against (B). An example of this would be if a building contractor agrees to pay the landowner for the costs of a claim arising from injuries at the building site. This agreement does not, however, change the fact that (B) is still legally liable for all damages to an injured 3rd party. The hold harmless agreem...